A place for intertextual interpretations of the concept and metaphor<br /> “house

A place for intertextual interpretations of the concept and
metaphor “house.” Intertextual interpretations (i.e., an assemblage, trace, web, interlace)
are open-ended and subjective, and result in a plurality of meanings.


Genotext type
questions to guide your research and creation of an art installation:


  1. Where and what is the site of signification germination?


Phenotext type
questions to guide your research and creation of an art installation:


  1. Does your notion of house belong to a genre or category? Situate it in a genre or category and name that category. What types of house metaphors or concepts do not belong in that category? What are the rules (your rules) of the genre or category?
    What is the style, form, or subject of all things that belong to this
    genre or category?

  2. Locate the fibers that woven together form or are in service of communicating, representing, and expressing the cultural values of your notion of house.


Paratext (defined by
surround) &
palimpsest (traces)
type questions:


  1. What discourse/references, cultural narratives, and signifying practices
    surround the “text” that influences meanings of the text.
  2. What are the history of those associations/signifying processes?
  3. How would changing the relationships in the discourse/narratives/signifying practices change the meaning?